Of playing house…

Granma likes mealie meal porridge with peanut butter and she tries to actively recruit everyone in the house. I used to eat the porridge when I was in my teens and probably early 20s. Did I find it tasty then? I don’t think so, it’s something I was used to and it was expected of me to eat the porridge. I’m at granma’s house and I haven’t eaten the porridge but I don’t feel guilty because I just don’t like it. As a little girl, it’s easy to live in a people pleasing bubble but I’m a woman now and things have changed. They got to change. This post is not about granma’s mealie meal porridge 😅.

We have come to the end of a trying year, man it was a cocktail of emotions for me. One time I felt as if I was on a roller coaster ride that was only going down and tearing my insides as it did. Looking back at the past 12 months, it seems as if there were years and years in those 12 months. It was too long and it stretched me in every way imaginable. I felt like a dartboard where 2021 was throwing darts in my face. It was not the Job type of struggle but it was close enough. I’m grateful though that through it all I emerged victorious and better. I’m happy again🥰

People get refined with age and experiences. I went through my rite of passage this year. The girl is gone and I have a few lessons for some people still afraid of letting the girl go…

The girl needs to die.

You’re stifling your growth as a woman if you keep holding on to a little girl you think you need to be. Little girls are sweet, they smile a lot, everyone wants to be around them but they’re naive. Little girls will eat the food they don’t like because they are afraid of offending the cook. Little girls are obedient, they don’t challenge the status quo, they just want to be sweet. It’s time to put away the toys and quit playing house. Little girls don’t make homes, they play house (not the music).

Be authentic.

I have a guilty pleasure of enjoying my dry reds. I used to hide and take sips when no one was looking because I didn’t want my family to think that I was a rebel. Where’s the fun in that? See, the thing about putting up a charade is that, it becomes so old and exhausting. Be who you are unapologetically and own your being. Let people get what they see. I’m soft spoken but highly opinionated, I will say my truth without sugar coating it. Too bad if someone is hurt along the way. I just don’t go around looking for trouble but when trouble comes to me, I will address it. Being authentic frees you, let people hate you for your true self not like you for who you pretend to be

Little girls have things done to them.

People make love to girls, they make love with women. People will take a girl home but build a home with a woman. Little girls just receive because they want to be nice. It’s probably nice but it gets tiring. People talk to girls because girls love to nod and listen. Their duty is to be pretty and sweet. That again is probably nice but women will throw follow up questions that stretch the thinking process. Women will make suggestions and offer alternative plans. Pick your poison!

You will start living the day you stop thinking about what people say about your decisions. Merry Christmas and have a productive new year.